Weight Loss Meal Combo
Both Karuppu kavuni kanji Mix and Makhana dosa powder acts as a Meal Replacement Powders which are an excellent choice for Weight loss.Their high protein and fiber content provides fullness and prevents hunger and extra calorie intake.
A Healthy diet includes taking 3 healthy meals a day while breaking them up with some fruits and vegetables in between .As per the concept taking our karuppu kavuni kanji Mix as a porridge for breakfast and our Makhan Dosa powder as a dosa for dinner helps to boost metabolism and helps to lose weight in a healthy way .And for Lunch you have to take only a small cup of rice with lots of veggies,egg whites or panner is suggested and avoiding full fried items and sweets helps to maintain a healthy diet.By strictly following this diet plan along with one hour of any simple exercise or walking ,anyone can lose 3-4kgs of weight naturally within a month.
Each ingredients added in that powders reduces unwanted fat storage in our body. Weight once lose,won't be gained even after you stop using the product .All age group people including pregnant and breastfeeding women can intake this.